Caroline Veahman
Produce Farmer & Outdoor Enthusiast
Caroline Veahman is a Produce Farmer and an all-around Outdoor Enthusiast. Veahman is currently working on her next big nature project: growing fruits and vegetables and establishing a produce farm in Granby, CT!
Caroline Veahman is a Produce Farmer and Outdoor Nature Enthusiast. Veahman specializes in New England and Connecticut farming. Throughout her life, she has always dreamed of running her own farm. From enjoying fall outdoor activities and autumn adventures at New England farms to growing fruits and vegetables in her own backyard — Veahman has always loved it all! She looks forward to running her own produce farm, year-round. Naturally, with her farm based in Granby, CT, the Produce Farmer is especially looking forward to hosting classic fall and autumn outdoor activities, like pumpkin picking, corn mazes and hayrides.

Nature Lover
Caroline Veahman is an Outdoor and Nature Enthusiast. While it’s known that Veahman enjoys growing fruits and vegetables and immersing herself in other fun outdoor farm activities, that’s only the beginning. The New England Produce Farmer from Granby, CT also enjoys leaning into her more adventurous side. In the winter, Veahman enjoys traveling up to Vermont and New Hampshire to enjoy one of her favorite winter sports: snowboarding. Every year, you can catch Veahman on the slopes of Vermont and New Hampshire mountains, shredding up fresh snow! In the warmer months of the year, the Outdoor Enthusiast and Nature Aficionado heads up to Maine to go hiking and diving with her dogs. That’s right: Veahman is training her pups to be diving dogs!
Diving Dogs
Caroline Veahman is an avid fan of the North America Diving Dogs competition. Marked as one of the fastest growing sports for dogs, Dock Diving is a unique jumping and swimming sport recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) Title Recognition Program. Veahman has attended various local Diving Dogs events. Taking what she’s observed home with her, the Diving Dogs fan is now training her own pups to partake in the sport! So far, the adventure has been a fun bonding experience for Veahman and her dogs. She looks forward to one day entering her four-legged friends into North America Diving Dogs events in New England.